I'm delighted to show a wonderful feature of a real wedding I did. Brideen & Deci are a fantastic couple and lovely people, but they are also amazing photographers who I've had the pleasure of working with on numerous occasions. So when Brideen contacted me to ask if I could do her make up for her on her big day, I was both delighted and honoured.
Brideen likes her make up to be natural and soft, anything else just would not look like her. So I used soft warm earthy tones and soft rosy pink cheeks to emulate and accentuate her natural beauty. She looked absolutely amazing on her wedding day, and I'm so happy for them both, they deserve all the happiness in the world.
If you are looking for amazing wedding photography, I couldn't recommend these guys highly enough. Check them out at www.simpletapestry.com
They are wonderful people to have around you and the most talented photographers I've come across.
"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken." - Oscar Wilde
To see the entire feature and wonderful photographs on Junebug Weddings please click on the link